Risk Engineer Advisers for GOVERNANCE SFAIRP, Australia & NZ


R2A’s co-directors and career risk and due diligence engineers, Richard Robinson and Gaye Francis, like to help people solve problems –that’s what engineers do. With WHS/OHS legislation, the risk and safety industry has become an overly complex “business”. It delivers lots of resources that do not necessarily result in organisations receiving value or results that are safe and compliant in the eye of the law. The services are often disconnected from corporate governance objectives.

Our point of difference is we engineer due diligence from the common law viewpoint of what would be expected to be done in the event that something happens. This challenges the status quo of simply applying and meeting risk and safety standards.

We combine the law with risk and safety management by applying a due diligence framework that enables organisations to look at their issues and, most importantly, what you have in place to manage them. That is outcomes that are SFAIRP (so far as is reasonably practicable) or, in other words, demonstrating governance.

We care about our work to the point that if we can't work together to apply due diligence as expressed by the common law (now embedded within WHS/OHS legislation) we will walk away. We truly believe we make a difference to the organisations, and their people, we work with.

R2A has been delivering independent consultancy and private briefing services throughout Australia and New Zealand for over three decades. We are sought across a broad range of industries from aviation, rail and defence right through to mining and shipping, working within government, public and private organisations.

If you’re ready to change how you view risk and safety, to be challenged on how you’ve done things before, and want help to facilitate change for diligent decision making, get in contact for a friendly and confidential discussion.

Richard and Gaye also deliver public training and conference keynote speeches, and have co-authored three books.

R2A Due Diligence ENgineer’s Directors