Aviation due diligence
SFAIRP Advice for Aviation Industry
The aviation industry is one where risk exists everyday. it’s these significant risks that cannot be ignored.
A mid-air collision isn’t just a disaster for the aviation business involved – it’s also a major public incident which then overshadows the entire industry. That is why all companies who operate in the Aviation industry must do everything they can to minimise risk and to assure the safety of the public, at all times.
And that’s where our team at R2A comes into the picture. We work in partnership with experts in the aviation industry and have developed safety case arguments to ensure all reasonable, practicable precautions are in place. Precautionary effort based upon the significance of the risk versus the effort required to reduce it. The work we have completed for aviation industry companies ensure that they are doing all they can to minimise risk and stay compliant with the regulations applicable to their business and your industry.
In an announcement (November 2013) launching an independent review of aviation safety regulation in Australia, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss said “This announcement delivers on one of the key commitments outlined in the Coalition’s 2013 Policy for Aviation.”
“Australia has an enviable record in aviation safety – among the best in the world-which has been built on a strong regulatory system, forged over many years.”
He went on to say “aviation activity is expected to double in the next 20 years. The industry plays a vital part of our economy and we must ensure it is supported by a regulatory system that delivers the highest levels of safety.”
Project Overview
For the Taupo Aerodrome Airspace Collision Risk Model project, generative interviews were the R2A primary approach used for this client. The interviews included representatives from the commercial airlines, airways, pilot training organisations, sky diving operators, helicopter operators, the Float Plane operator, charter service operators, the Taupo District Council as the airport owner, the Airport Operational and Safety Committee and the Airline Pilots Association.
Published Aviation Reports
R2A have had a number of reports published by Aviation Authorities –
Western Sydney Airport EIS - Hazard and Risk Review 2016 (Vol 4. Appendix H)
A Model for Management of Aerodrome Airspace Risk 2007
Avalon Aeronautical Study 2008
aviation clients
Australian Government Civial Aviation Safety Authority