Process Facilities due diligence
Process industries are where the primary production processes are either continuous or occur on a batch of materials that ARE indistinguishable.
Such industries include food, beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, ceramics, base metals, coal, plastics, rubber, textiles, tobacco, wood products and paper products, etc.
Our involvement with process industries has primarily been associated with major hazardous facilities – those which store, handle and/or process large quantities of hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods including petroleum products. Our team has also worked in partnership with companies in the food and beverage sectors.
Process industries face an array of risks including fire, explosion and the release of hazardous chemicals. These are the key risks that the process industry has to mitigate. There are both on and offsite consequences of any of these risks eventuating, including safety and supply implications.
Project Overview // Safety Due Diligence Review – Multinet Gas
R2A completed a safety due diligence review for the Multinet Gas Network to ensure all reasonably practicable precautions were in place to reduce the threat to human safety resulting from Multinet Gas’ operations. The review considered impacts of Multinet Gas operations to the safety of the general public and employees including any contractors providing services. The outcome of the review formed the basis of the Formal Safety Assessment for Multinet Gas for the Regulator.
Our Clients
SMART Planning & Design
Queensland Urban Utilities