Safety Integrity Levels for GOVERNANCE
engineerING Due Diligence ADVICE FOR S.I.L. to satisfy WHS & OHS.
Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) are four discrete levels of safety performance of safety-related systems that use electrical and/or electronic and/or programmable electronic (E/E/PE) technologies as defined in IEC 61508.
To minimise dangerous failures of such systems, R2A typically uses the following process to determine the required safety allocation of E/E/PE SIL. The process involves the following tasks:
Establish all credible, critical threat/hazard scenarios.
Develop threat barrier sequences.
Determine barrier SILs.
Allocate and determine E/E/PE SILs (if required).
Analyse E/E/PE SIL hazard control system failures.
Review sign-off.
R2A’s engineers deliver a governance & SFAIRP process to satisfy safety case arguments for E/E/PE SIL allocation since, inter alia, it should be comprehensible to judges and juries as well as senior management, that is, satisfy the requirements of the WHS legislation across Australia — OHS Act in Victoria — and the common law, thereby demonstrating due diligence.