Water Sector Due Diligence

minimise critical risks within water industry

In Australia, like any country, we face the challenges and uncertainties relating to climate change and aging infrastructure.

According to the 2014 Australian Water Association / Deloitte State of the Water Sector report, the three top issues of concern to the water industry are:

  • Improving operational efficiency

  • Managing and augmenting infrastructure

  • Ensuring water supplies are secure

In addition, the majority of respondents believe that recycled water can be treated and managed to a level that is sufficient for safe portable supply.

To ensure the water sector faces these challenges head on, and addresses them while also minimising critical risks, we work with various organisations within the water sector. We help organisations and government authorities to ensure that water as an essential service is delivered in a safe and effective way to the community, by focusing on practical, sensible precautions.


Project Overview // Options Review – Gladstone Area Water Board

R2A was engaged to assess the options being considered to address the critical infrastructure issues identified in R2A’s original Critical Asset Due Diligence Review report and subsequent maintenance issues identified by GHD.

The options were reviewed against project critical success factors including fit for purpose, design life, capital cost, whole of life cost, timing, operational and maintenance issues, safety, environment and social considerations during a workshop of key stakeholders.

View the Gladstone Area Water Board case study


Project Overview // Eastern Treatment Plant Class A Recycled Water Availability Profiling – Melbourne Water

The objective of this study was to complete a high level availability review for the production of Class A recycled water at the Eastern Treatment Plant. R2A’s Operations Due Diligence process was used for the review. This tests for the catastrophic, low likelihood outliers before it optimises for operational availability.

It does this by testing the system as a whole in relation to management concerns, applying a top-down systems analysis approach that focuses analysis effort where it is needed.

Our Clients

  • Southern Rural Water

  • Veolia

  • Victoria State Government Environment, Land, Water & Planning