Team of Consultants
Richard Robinson
Richard Robinson is a career risk and due diligence engineer with over 30 years experience in the industry.
Richard’s primary focus for the past 15 years as a Director of R2A has been -
- technical due diligence and organisational risk control
- construction of risk and reliability based models for common law and for investment payback criteria
- short course presentations and liability briefings
- facilitating workshops
- appearing as expert witness
- principal author of Risk & Reliability: Engineering Due Diligence (now in its eighth edition).
BE, Mechanical Engineering, Monash University, 1974BA, Philosophy, University of Melbourne, 1981
On behalf of Engineering Education Australia, Richard presents a two-day public short course on Risk & Liability Management.
Richard has been responsible for implementing major risk and reliability studies and technical due diligence reviews for large organisations such as –
- Office of Airspace Regulation
- Civil Aviation Safety Authority
- Air Services Australia
- South Port NZ
- Silverfern Shipping NZ
- Tasports
- V/Line Passenger Services
- Rail Corporation NSW
- performance review of the Office of Gas Safety.
Recent undertakings include –
- the development of alternate airspace collision risk models for the Civil Aviation Authority New Zealand, and for the Office of Airspace Regulation Australia
- strategic risk reviews for the Marina Coastal Expressway Singapore and for the Tugun bypass Gold Coast
- due diligence reviews for rockfalls in cuttings Railcorp NSW
- hazardous atmospheres in laboratories (CSIRO)
- many SIL (Safety Integrity Levels) allocation studies and enterprise availability studies for Melbourne Water
- member of the ministerial peer review panel for the Eildon Dam Alliance Project
- member of the Independent Blasting Audit Team, Department of Minerals & Energy, WA (Western Mining Corporation Nickel & Gold), 1999.
- the expert risk management member on the Victorian Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce, 2011
Richard is currently –
- a risk advisor to the Training and Education board of the Australasian Marine Pilots Institute and Honorary Fellow
- presenting the postgraduate due diligence unit at Swinburne University of Technology.
View Richard Robinson’s CV | View Richard Robinson's profile
Gaye Francis
Gaye is an experienced risk and due diligence engineer and highly effective project manager, with a diverse range of project experience collected over 13 years of consulting activities with R2A. Gaye has worked with both private and government clients across a wide range of industries including road, rail, marine, mining, aviation and water.
As a R2A Director, Gaye is involved in all aspects of the practice and oversees the consulting stream. In-house tasks include contribution to and development of the R2A text, Risk & Reliability: Engineering Due Diligence (now in its eigth edition), preparation of conference papers and training courses, and on-going development of the R2A method of work.
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical), University of Melbourne, 1997
Member, Engineers Australia 2003Committee member Victorian Women in Engineering (June 2009 - 2011)Victorian representative National Women in Engineering Committee 2010 - 2011Organising Committee 15th International Conference for Women Engineers & Scientists 2011 (ICWES15)Co-chair Women in Engineering Victoria Committee, Feb 2007 - June 2008Emerging Leaders pilot program, Engineers Australia, 2008Committee member for the revision of the Safety Case Guidelines, Engineers Australia 2007Chairperson Drafting Committee Safety Case Guidelines Engineers Australia, 2002